It's one of the oldest forms of relaxation and, if you're lucky, might land you with a cheeky fish supper. Here's some of the greatest spots on earth to cast your rod.

Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, Argentina
In angling mythology, Tierra del Fuego, an archipelago off the southernmost tip of South America, is famous for its abundance of monster Brown Trout. With sub polar climates, tundra landscapes and recorded catches weighing at least10lbs, this is no place to get squeamish about taking the hook out.
Chalk Streams, Hampshire, UK
This is where modern fly fishing really all began. Izaak Walton, author of The Compleat Angler, published in 1653, fished these waters and today they are carefully managed with private, scheduled access only. But if you want a taste of authentic, English fly fishing, Hampshire might just be the perfect destination.
Labrador, Canada
There are few fishing destinations in the world that rival Labrador. The rivers of eastern Canada are still home to Atlantic salmon and native Brook trout, and fish of three to eight pounds are quite common.
New Zealand
New Zealand’s North and South islands are well known for their fly fishing and crystal clear waters which are home to both brown and rainbow trout. Dubbed “an angler’s El Dorado” by American adventure novelist Zane Grey, forget blind casting if you want to catch anything. These fish are cautious and the water truly is transparent, so you better spot your quarry before you even think of unfurling a fly in its direction.
Christmas Island, Kiribati
Kiribati on Christmas Island is a world-renowned bonefish location with long, shallow flats and a great equatorial climate all year round. AterritoryofAustraliain theIndian Ocean, the island is located 1,600 miles (2,600 km) northwest ofPerthand is a genuine purist’s playground.
The Alta, Norway
Nineteenth-century English aristocrats would sail their yachts across the North Sea to fish for salmon in Norway. While overfishing and pollution have decimated many Atlantic salmon runs, Norway remains an exception to this rule. Far above the Arctic Circle, the mighty Alta also boasts some of the most eye-popping scenery on earth.
Alaska, USA
Alaska’s wild landscape and isolated rivers make it among the best wild fly fishing on earth. With some of the world’s best salmon runs every August and September, expect awesome acrobatics and reel screaming runs from these water-bound monsters. Just keep an eye out for your main competition, Polar, Grizzly and Black bears.
Turneffe Flats, Belize
For nearly three decades,Turneffe Flats has been known as one of the Caribbean’s premier saltwater fly fishing destinations. Located on a picturesque point with white sand beach and coconut palms, the coral reef is teaming with sea life and large bonefish flats are plentiful and well stocked.
The Bahamian Islands are noted for their exceptional bonefishing and it is a year-round sport. The weather can slow the action down in the winter months, but all you need is a good warm day and the fish are back on the flats.
Kamchatka, Russia
Russia is truly the last frontier for untouched Rainbow Trout fishing and they grow them big here. These Rainbows go out to sea at age two or three, remain there for up to five years before returning to the fresh water for the rest of their lives and many of these big fish are seven to nine years old.
The Amazon, Brazil
Surrounded by magnificent rainforest, the Sao Benidito River is deep in the upper reaches of the Amazon system. Peacock Bass are the main draw but you may well prefer the high flying Matrichana, or a Pacu in the rapids. Or how about a piranha chomping at your fly!
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