
Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Government Contacts & Information resources for Commercial Fishing, Seafood, Aquaculture, Marine & Oceans in Afghanistan

Fishery and Aquaculture Country Profile for Afghanistan  - aquatic species caught by country or area, by species items, by FAO major fishing areas, and year, for all commercial, industrial, recreational and subsistence purposes. The harvest from mariculture, aquaculture and other kinds of fish farming is also included.

Fishing in Afghanistan
The nation has plenty of water reserves and suitable climate for fish farming.
Fishing takes place in the lakes and rivers, such as in Sarobi and Mahipar area.
Fish constitute a smaller part of the Afghan diet today because fish farmers are unable to produce enough fish to keep up with the demands of customers.
Using explosives for fishing, called dynamite fishing, became popular in the 1980s and is still practiced by some even though it is illegal today. The annual catch was about 900 tons in 2003.
Most fish and seafood is imported from neighbouring Pakistan, Iran, the United Arab Emiratesand other countries.
In recent years, USAID has helped many Afghans in establishing fish farms across the country. There are about 300 fish farms throughout the country and the largest one is at the Qargha, which supplies fish eggs to the other ones

Freshwater fish found in Afghanistan:
SpeciesStatusCommon name
Abramis bramanative Common bream 
Abramis sapanative White-eye bream 
Acipenser nudiventrisextirpated Fringebarbel sturgeon 
Alburnoides bipunctatusnative Spirlin 
Alburnoides taeniatusnative Striped bystranka 
Alburnus chalcoidesnative Danube bleak 
Amblypharyngodon molanative Mola carplet 
Aristichthys nobilisintroduced Bighead carp 
Aspidoparia jayanative Jaya 
Aspidoparia morarnative  
Aspiolucius esocinusnative Pike asp 
Aspius aspiusnative Asp 
Ballerus ballerusintroduced Zope 
Bangana diplostomanative  
Barbus brachycephalus brachycephalusnative Aral barbel 
Barbus capito capitonative Bulatmai barbel 
Barilius vagranative  
Capoeta capoeta capoetanative Transcaucasian barb 
Capoeta fuscanative  
Capoetobrama kuschakewitschi kuschakewitschinative Sharpray 
Carassius auratus auratusintroduced Goldfish 
Channa gachuanative  
Channa orientalisnative Walking snakehead 
Channa punctatanative Spotted snakehead 
Clupisoma nazirinative  
Crossocheilus diplochilusnative  
Crossocheilus latiusnative  
Ctenopharyngodon idellaintroduced Grass carp 
Cyprinion microphthalmum microphthalmumnative  
Cyprinion milesinative  
Cyprinion watsoninative  
Cyprinus carpio carpiointroduced Common carp 
Devario devarionative Sind danio 
Dzihunia amudarjensisnative Bukhara stone loach 
Esomus danricusnative Flying barb 
Gambusia affinisintroduced Mosquitofish 
Gambusia holbrookiintroduced Eastern mosquitofish 
Garra gotyla gotylanative Sucker head 
Garra rossicanative  
Garra rufanative  
Glyptosternon akhtarinative  
Glyptosternon reticulatumnative Turkestan catfish 
Glyptothorax cavianative  
Glyptothorax jalalensisnative  
Gobio gobio gobionative Gudgeon 
Gymnocephalus cernuusnative Ruffe 
Hemiculter leucisculusintroduced Sharpbelly 
Hemigrammocapoeta elegansnative  
Hypophthalmichthys molitrixintroduced Silver carp 
Labeo angranative  
Labeo arizanative Reba 
Labeo dyocheilusnative  
Labeo goniusnative Kuria labeo 
Labeo pangusianative  
Leuciscus idusnative Ide 
Leuciscus latusnative  
Leuciscus lehmanninative Zeravshan dace 
Leuciscus leuciscusnative Common dace 
Mystus tengaranative  
Nemacheilus baluchiorumnative  
Nemacheilus kuschakewitschinative Kuschakewitsch loach 
Nemacheilus longicaudusnative Eastern crested loach 
Nemacheilus oxianusnative Amu-Darya stone loach 
Ompok bimaculatusnative Butter catfish 
Ompok canionative  
Ompok pabdanative Pabdah catfish 
Oncorhynchus mykissintroduced Rainbow trout 
Oryzias latipesintroduced Japanese rice fish 
Paracobitis boutanensisnative  
Paracobitis ghazniensisnative  
Paracobitis malapteruranative Western crested loach 
Paracobitis rhadinaeusnative  
Pelecus cultratusnative Ziege 
Perca fluviatilisnative European perch 
Pseudorasbora parvaintroduced Stone moroko 
Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanninative Dwarf sturgeon 
Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanninative Amu Darya sturgeon 
Pterocryptis afghananative  
Ptychobarbus conirostrisquestionable Indus snowtrout 
Pungitius platygasternative Southern ninespine stickleback 
Puntius conchoniusnative Rosy barb 
Puntius sarananative Olive barb 
Puntius sophorenative Pool barb 
Rhinogobius similisintroduced  
Rhodeus sinensisintroduced  
Rita macracanthusnative  
Rita ritanative Rita 
Rutilus rutilusnative Roach 
Sabanejewia aurata auratanative Goldside loach 
Salmo trutta truttanative Sea trout 
Salmostoma bacailanative Large razorbelly minnow 
Sander luciopercanative Pike-perch 
Scardinius erythrophthalmusnative Rudd 
Schistura alepidotanative  
Schistura altanative  
Schistura coricanative  
Schistura cristatanative Turkmenian crested loach 
Schistura kesslerinative Kessler's loach 
Schistura lindberginative  
Schistura prashariquestionable  
Schistura sargadensisnative Turkmenian loach 
Schizocypris bruceinative Waziristan snowtrout 
Schizocypris ladigesinative  
Schizopyge curvifronsnative Sattar snowtrout 
Schizopyge esocinusnative Chirruh snowtrout 
Schizopygopsis stoliczkainative False osman 
Schizothorax edeniananative  
Schizothorax intermedius intermediusnative Common marinka 
Schizothorax labiatusnative Kunar snowtrout 
Schizothorax microcephalusnative  
Schizothorax pelzaminative Transcaspian marinka 
Schizothorax plagiostomusnative  
Schizothorax richardsoniinative Snow trout 
Schizothorax zarudnyinative  
Silurus glanisnative Wels catfish 
Sinilabeo deronative Kalabans 
Sperata sarwarinative  
Sperata seenghalanative Giant river-catfish 
Tor putitoranative Golden mahseer 
Triplophysa brahuinative  
Triplophysa choprainative  
Triplophysa dorsalisnative Gray loach 
Triplophysa farwellinative  
Triplophysa griffithinative  
Triplophysa kullmanninative  
Triplophysa stenuranative  
Triplophysa stoliczkainative Tibetan stone loach 
Triplophysa tenuisnative  
Wallago attunative Wallago 

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