Fishery and Aquaculture Country Profile for Chile - aquatic species caught by country or area, by species items, by FAO major fishing areas, and year, for all commercial, industrial, recreational and subsistence purposes. The harvest from mariculture, aquaculture and other kinds of fish farming is also included.
Chilean Seafood Exchange - A producer sponsored clearinghouse for quality assured fresh frozen seafood from three continents.
Salmon Chile - SalmonChile es la Asociación de la Industria del Salmón de Chile A.G., agrupación que reúne a las principales empresas productoras y proveedoras de la industria salmonicultora de Chile. Fue creada el 23 de agosto de 1986, con el fin de representar y aunar los esfuerzos del sector en diversos ámbitos, tales como el legal, técnico, de investigación, medioambiental y desarrollo de mercados. Association of Salmon Producers in Chile.
International Association of Fish Inspectors - Fish, seafood and associated products that are safe, of acceptable quality and readily available for sale in the world's marketplaces. The International Association of Fish Inspectors (IAFI) is a new and growing organization serving the world fish inspection community. As stated in our Charter, IAFI exists to promote the exchange of ideas and information, foster interaction, understanding and professional collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments, disseminate knowledge about fish, seafood, and associated products inspection, and promote advancement of the state-of-the-art in fish inspection research and education.
AQUASTAT is FAO's global information system on water and agriculture developed by the Land and Water Division. It collects, analyses and disseminates data and information by country and by region. Its aim is to provide users interested in global, regional and national analyses with comprehensive information related to water resources and agricultural water management across the world, with emphasis on countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Information for Chile
National Fisheries Service - Servicio Nacional de Pescat Portada.
Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
Coho Salmon (Oncorhyichus kisutch)
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Chilean Seabass (Dissostichus eleginoides)
Southern King Crab (Lithodes antarticus)
Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Murphyi)
Mackerel (Scomber japonicus)
Sardines (Sardinops sagax)
Golden King Clip (Ginopterus blacodes)
Hoki (Macruronus magellanicus)
Antarctic Queen (Merluza austral)
Gayi Hake (Merluccius gayi)
Alfonsino (Beryx splendens)
Orange Roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus)
Silver Warehou (Seriolella caerulea)
Blue Warehou (Seriolella punctata)
Cardinal Fish (Epigonus crassicaudus)
Pomfret (Brama australis)
Elephant Fish (callorhynchus)
Smelt (Odontesthes regia)
Scallops (Agropecten purpuratus )
Sea Urchin (Loxechinus albus)
Squid (Loligo gahi)
Giant Squid
Skare (Raja sp.)Pacific Clams
Sea Asparagus
Mussel (Mytilus chilensis)
White Shrimp (Panaeus vannamei)
Sea Cucumber
Anillas, Filetes - Block - Tentáculos
Bacalao de Profundidad
Sardina Anchoveta
Manto Block - Manto - Cubos
Camarones I.Q.F.
Mejillones I.Q.F.
Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
Coho Salmon (Oncorhyichus kisutch)
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Chilean Seabass (Dissostichus eleginoides)
Southern King Crab (Lithodes antarticus)
Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Murphyi)
Mackerel (Scomber japonicus)
Sardines (Sardinops sagax)
Golden King Clip (Ginopterus blacodes)
Hoki (Macruronus magellanicus)
Antarctic Queen (Merluza austral)
Gayi Hake (Merluccius gayi)
Alfonsino (Beryx splendens)
Orange Roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus)
Silver Warehou (Seriolella caerulea)
Blue Warehou (Seriolella punctata)
Cardinal Fish (Epigonus crassicaudus)
Pomfret (Brama australis)
Elephant Fish (callorhynchus)
Smelt (Odontesthes regia)
Scallops (Agropecten purpuratus )
Sea Urchin (Loxechinus albus)
Squid (Loligo gahi)
Giant Squid
Skare (Raja sp.)Pacific Clams
Sea Asparagus
Mussel (Mytilus chilensis)
White Shrimp (Panaeus vannamei)
Sea Cucumber
Anillas, Filetes - Block - Tentáculos
Bacalao de Profundidad
Sardina Anchoveta
Manto Block - Manto - Cubos
Camarones I.Q.F.
Mejillones I.Q.F.
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