
Monday, 15 July 2013

Government Contacts & Information resources for Commercial Fishing, Seafood, Aquaculture, Marine & Oceans in Fiji

Forum Fisheries Agency - The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) is based in Honiara, Solomon Islands and comprises 17 member governments. It was established in August 1979 to help countries manage their fishery resources that fall within their 200 mile exclusive economic zones. The founding document of the Agency is the South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention.

Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission - Commission for the Conservation and Management  of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the  Western and Central Pacific Ocean.

The School of Marine Studies (SMS) assists island countries understand, develop and sustainably use their marine resources. SMS offers a wide range of interesting courses which focuses on the coastal and marine resources of the Pacific Islands and their management. Marine resources have always been essential for the Pacific Islanders. Marine Studies are a priority in the University.

The University of the South Pacific services 12 island countries, made up of thousands of scattered islands, spread over around 40 million square kilometers of the Pacific Ocean. The total area of their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) is approximately 13.4 million square kilometers. 

Fishery and Aquaculture Country Profile for Fiji - aquatic species caught by country or area, by species items, by FAO major fishing areas, and year, for all commercial, industrial, recreational and subsistence purposes. The harvest from mariculture, aquaculture and other kinds of fish farming is also included.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forests - Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests Fiji

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